
Useless bricks are not. create with them you can. Injuries you can cause, so be careful you must. Hurtful bricks are. bricks.. hard.. very hard. safe, cautious you must be. careful how you use brick young padawan. stupid this subject is, write about a brick i can not do.


Why did I sign up for AP calc?! I should know my limits. Obviously I want to push myself but sometimes.. I push myself over the limit. Why? Why do i do that to myself. Ive learned what I can and can’t do. I always seem to think I can do the things that i have learned time and time again that I can’t do. Its almost as if its programmed into my brain. “Try things you can’t do…” sometimes it’d be nice to take an easier path… sad thing is, I know I never will!

Ps: only take AP calc if you are very smart and dedicated to school.:)


L-Lost; love makes you feel lost, no matter how smart you are and no matter how much you know what you want. Love makes you lost. You get lost in whats important. You get lost in what you want. If you’re in love… get used to being lost!

O- Outstanding; Love is outstanding. You always have a partner. You always have someone that wants to be with you and do what you are doing. Its outstanding. If you are in love, get used to always having a good time!

V- Venting; love includes a lot of venting. You better get used to telling someone how you feel and why you’re upset. also, you better get used to listening. A lot of listening. If you are in love you better get used to a lot of venting!

E-Energy; Love takes a lot of energy. It isn’t an easy thing. But its definitely worth it. It takes almost all of your time. You also better start remembering things… dates, memories, songs, etc. Its a lot of work. If you are in love you better get used to using a lot of your energy, but its all worth it!

Math equations

Love makes me feel like

  1. Love makes me feel like pulling my hair out
  2. Love makes me feel like I have something on the tip of my tongue but for some reason I can’t figure out what it is
  3. Love makes me feel like x(x^6 – 14x^4)/ e^4
  4. Love makes me feel like I’m whipped
  5. Love makes me feel like laying down on a couch while its raining and listen to some Jack Johnson
  6. Love makes me feel like life is easy
  7. Love makes me feel like life is hard
  8. Love makes me feel like sitting down and writing a song on the piano
  9. Love makes me feel like a puzzle
  10. Love makes me feel like the king of the world
  11. Love makes me feel like writing poems
  12. Love makes me feel like a math equation
  13. Love makes me feel awesome

riting iz phun

i am typing with my nose. it took me 5 minutes to write that last sentence. i kept entering 9 instead of entering an “i”. this is hard. im getting dizzy so i am going to stop now. i know its short but who cares. its my blog.


I scrape my knee when I fall

I cry.

I always over eat until it hurts to move

my hand hurts when I write

I get light headed if I stand up to fast

I love movies

I can’t focus in class

I sleep more than I should

some people like me

some people don’t

I have to take showers or else I stink

I smile

I procrastinate

I spel thingz rong

I stub my toes on corners more than I should

I am not a robot

I am human

I am me

Im different yeah I’m different – 2 chainz

Whiskey Lullaby

Next to you


My Way

Buy me a boat


Young and Beautiful

Good morning

You and I

Bad Intentions

YOU AND I, we’re gonna be doing things MY WAY. i don’t care if you are FERGALICIOUS. I don’t

care if you are YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL. You have BAD INTENTIONS. You make promises, but can’t

keep them. Said you’d BUY ME A BOAT? Lie. Said I’d always wake up NEXT TO YOU? Lie. Said I’d

always be able to roll over and say GOOD MORNING. Lie. I thought I’d be TITANIUM.. but I’m not.. You’ve

got me singing this WHISKEY LULLABY.

This post, I went to my music and put it on shuffle. The first 10 songs are the ones I used to write a short little story.


Hard…Life is hard. Everytime you feel like you’re in control of your own life, life makes sure to let you know that you’re just floating on the boat. The water is in control there is nothing you can do to control the waves and riptides. The only thing you can do is hold on. Hold on and pray that you don’t get thrown overboard into the water and drown in all of the unhappiness that you can find in life. What makes life hard is getting back in the boat. Everyone gets thrown off the boat. Something always goes wrong! For some reason we all find ourselves sad. But the people that are great.. are the ones who keep getting in the boat. Anyone who falls off the boat and stays off, will never be great. “It ain’t about HARD you can hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward” -GREATEST (movie) boxer of all time. Just keep moving forward. Let the water take you where you need to be. Hold on. Hold on.

Crayola or Generic?

Crayola or Generic? Its a simple question really.. What would we rather have picked when we were young and innocent and simple. Its an obvious answer I would think. When I was younger I loved opening up a new box of crayola crayons. EsPeCiAlLy if the box had the crayon sharpener on the back;) It just seemed that the wax was stronger and the colors were more radiant. Ooh the way the tip of the crayola glided across the plain paper, it always seemed to make me feel like Da Vinci creating a masterpiece. But when I got the generic crayons, I always seemed to feel boring. It didn’t matter how many crayons there were and how sharp they were. Generic was cheap. It made me feel cheap. My question is.. why do we sometimes pick the generic brand? It seems that in life we settle for the generic brand…. Why?! why do we ever pick something average… when we could have crayola. It doesn’t make sense to me. Its almost as if we don’t think that our masterpiece isn’t good enough to have crayola on it. Its your masterpiece! Put whatever the freak you want on it! I hate that we settle for generic when we could have the opportunity to use crayola every time! But no we decide to be tourists and use generic because its the safe way to go. Its cheap. Just use the crayola! You did when you were a kid?! You never settled… so why settle now?

Hats numero dos

Man, I want to be in the twenties. I want to be in New York with a fedora and a dream. I want to step off a train and look up. Look up to the towering buildings above the sky and be in complete and utter amazement. I want my jaw to drop. I want to be in such amazement that I spin as I walk down broadway like I see people do in the movies! Why can’t I be there? I want to tip my fedora as I see a “choice bit of calico”. I want her to smile back and give me a wave. I want a fedora. Al Capone would kill to have me as a wing man. Go ahead and try to think of a better duo than Al Capone… and Boo Radley.

Boo Radley would’ve been a killer wing man! But he would’ve been an even better cowboy. I want to be a cowboy. I want to live on a ranch sooooo bad! I can’t think of anything better than waking up, milking the cows and then getting on my stallion and going out to take care of the cattle. Then maybe after I’m done working, I decide to go on a hike. So I get on my horse, and start to ride.. just ride and think. Once I get to the top, the sun is starting to set, the valley below is beautiful. The ranch is pressed up against the mouth of the valley, the river is flowing through, and the sun is just reflecting off the river perfectly giving the river a glassy glimmering look. The valley couldn’t be greener. Its so beautiful here. I begin to ride down, but i dig my boots into the horses abdomen signaling for it to go faster and faster until she’s on a full sprint. The wind is rushing through my hair, whistling through my ears, its a perfect scene. It’s a perfect place. It’s home.